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Scottish Federation of Sea Anglers

The S.F.S.A has been working extensively within the Angling Scotland Limited umbrella to ensure all the the relevant government agencies in Scotland have been fully informed of the possibilities for COVID safe angling activities and the benfits our sports brings. For the latest guidance on angling, please visit the Angling Scotland Limited website here.
From the President's Office
As Chairman I would like to welcome you to the website of the Scottish Federation of Sea Anglers, the Governing Body for the sport of Sea Angling in Scotland within the umbrella of Angling Scotland Limited.
The SFSA is committed to: Safeguarding the future of Sea Angling in Scotland, Providing equal opportunities for all to get involved in this great sport., Protecting the rights of access to fishing, Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults within the sport and Providing coaches and pathways to ensure that anglers can develop and achieve their personal goals. Our Policies & Procedures are available HERE.
Mike Horn
Please navigate our pages through the menu at the top of the page or follow the links below to our 3 main focus areas. Or to learn more about the Federation and to learn how to become a member please visit our Membership Page or you can Contact Us
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